Friday, December 31, 2010

True Grit Gets Picked

The book was simple and straightforward and rather like an old fashioned western dime novel.  The movie was also straightforward but not as simplistic as the westerns of my youth. Jeff Bridges played "Rooster" Cogburn as a  tough sloppy drunk, but underneath that smelly looking exterior you could see the "good guy".  I think Jeff Bridges is genuinely a good guy and its hard not to see that under the layers of his character.

The people sitting around me seemed to be enjoying the movie and I heard many positive comments on the way out.

I was interested in the scenes with horses. I had read it was a difficult part of the filming. The horses had trainers and animal protection officials were on the set watching the filming.

Full disclosure: I played Annie Oakley or Dale Evans to my brothers Roy Rogers as a child and always look forward to a good western and this fit the bill !!!!

This would qualify as a first date movie.

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