Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Little Fockers" — It made me mad

What a disappointment "Little Fockers" turned out to be. The relationships between grandparents, parents, and in-laws have endless potential for humor - mostly overlooked in this script, or confined to only the most squirm-inducing setups. [We often have discussions at my book club on the perils of relationships with our childrens spouses and their in-laws ... many of our casual topics could be used as scenes in a funnier script than the "Fockers" followed.]

I went to this movie with one of my peeps, because we had enjoyed the first Focker movie. Our children were getting married at the time and we identified with that film. Now we both have grandchildren, and we were looking forward to some hearty laughing. However, we just felt pissed off , I was ready for a good belly laugh.

Dustin Hoffman did provide a few intervals of comedy, he is always great. I would have liked to hug him for that one laugh.

That's my opinion and I am sticking with it, what's yours???

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